6th International Conference on Coupled THMC Processes in Geosystems
5-7 Jul 2017 Paris (France)


Early-bird registration fees:

PhD and undergraduate students 185.00 €
ISRM delegates 370.00 €
Normal fee 470.00 €

Late registration fees:

PhD and undergraduate students 265.00 €
ISRM delegates 450.00 €
Normal fee 550.00 €

Registration fee policy:

The registration fee covers attendance to all sessions (oral and poster), lunches and coffee/tea/refreshment breaks during the conference, welcome cocktail, conference materials and proceedings.

The banquet dinner on Thursday 6/7 that will take place at the traditional Train Bleu restaurant in the historic train station Gare de Lyon in downtown Paris, has a separate fee (80€).

One (1) registration is valid for no more than one oral presentation, provided that the registered presenter is one of the authors.

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